Tuesday 26 July 2011

Walking with jaguars

Deep in the jungles of Bolivia, the center is located on the rescue of wild animals. 40 volunteers the center of care for jaguars, monkeys, pumas and other animals rescued from black markets and the pogo-treatment.
Прогулка с ягуарами (16 фото)

Прогулка с ягуарами (16 фото)
1. Deep in the jungles of Bolivia's official organization for the conservation of wild animals is in the woods with a wild jaguar. (NOAH FRIEDMAN-RUDOVSKY / BARCROFT MEDIA)

Прогулка с ягуарами (16 фото)
2. "Inti Wara Comunidad Jassi" - is a unique center for rescue of wild animals, in which local residents and volunteers to help animals (such as this cougar) to recover through close contact with people. (NOAH FRIEDMAN-RUDOVSKY / BARCROFT MEDIA)

Прогулка с ягуарами (16 фото)
3. The main objective of the center - the salvation of monkeys, birds, pumas and jaguars in black markets and situations of violence. In this image, Faustino - howler monkey, who was rescued from the owner, who watered his drinking, eating fresh fruit. (NOAH FRIEDMAN-RUDOVSKY / BARCROFT MEDIA)

Прогулка с ягуарами (16 фото)
4. Founded by Juan Carlos Antezanoy (pictured with the jaguar) in 1996, the center began as an animal rescue sanctuary for monkeys in 37 acres. The center consists of three shelters with a total area 805 hectares, in which 40 volunteers care for animals. (NOAH FRIEDMAN-RUDOVSKY / BARCROFT MEDIA)

Прогулка с ягуарами (16 фото)
5. Amir saved a few months ago from Middle East families in the region of Beni of Bolivia, which is suspected in a series of crimes. (NOAH FRIEDMAN-RUDOVSKY / BARCROFT MEDIA)

Прогулка с ягуарами (16 фото)
6. Writer Thayer Walker Dzhayme raising a child with Yaguarupi, walk with the jaguar. (NOAH FRIEDMAN-RUDOVSKY / BARCROFT MEDIA)

Прогулка с ягуарами (16 фото)
7. Shelter worker brings Dzhayme Yaguarupi since childhood. Now GGIP weighs nearly 136 kg and is primarily a male shelter. (NOAH FRIEDMAN-RUDOVSKY / BARCROFT MEDIA)

Прогулка с ягуарами (16 фото)
8. Yaguarupi eats raw meat in the reserve Ambu Ari. (NOAH FRIEDMAN-RUDOVSKY / BARCROFT MEDIA)

Прогулка с ягуарами (16 фото)
9. British volunteer Caroline Almond and Pedro - a veterinarian from Chile - was taken for a ride jaguar Katie. (NOAH FRIEDMAN-RUDOVSKY / BARCROFT MEDIA)

Прогулка с ягуарами (16 фото)
10. One of the three sisters of cougars in the park Ambu Ari ponders whether her swim in the river with a French volunteer. (NOAH FRIEDMAN-RUDOVSKY / BARCROFT MEDIA)

Прогулка с ягуарами (16 фото)
11. Puma still decided to swim with the volunteer from France. (NOAH FRIEDMAN-RUDOVSKY / BARCROFT MEDIA)

Прогулка с ягуарами (16 фото)
12. Bolivian woman Noemi - Head Park Ambu Ari - embraces one of the three sisters of cougars, which she brings to birth. (NOAH FRIEDMAN-RUDOVSKY / BARCROFT MEDIA)

Прогулка с ягуарами (16 фото)
13. Jaguar Amir licks his hand volunteer rough language. (NOAH FRIEDMAN-RUDOVSKY / BARCROFT MEDIA)

Прогулка с ягуарами (16 фото)
14. Amir swims in the river reserve Ambu Ari. (NOAH FRIEDMAN-RUDOVSKY / BARCROFT MEDIA)

Прогулка с ягуарами (16 фото)
15. Spider monkey holding a sign fooled by the door into the dining room. (NOAH FRIEDMAN-RUDOVSKY / BARCROFT MEDIA)

Прогулка с ягуарами (16 фото)
16. Tanya "Nena" spider monkey hugs Balthazar named fooled. (NOAH FRIEDMAN-RUDOVSKY / BARCROFT MEDIA)

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