Thursday 28 July 2011

Rohingya - people without a state

Rohingya people of western Burma, located on the state of Arakan is one of the most ignorant and persecuted ethnic groups in the world.Muslims and ethnic Indians, the Rohingya - a people whose history is marred by all the violence. After the Second World War, this nation fought for recognition as a separate ethnic group, as well as the right to establish an independent state in Burma - a country most of whose population are Buddhists. They are considered "untouchables" and treat them accordingly. Representatives of the Roma in their own country is denied citizenship, they are forbidden to marry, and they have no rights to own land, and their children take to school.

Since 1978, nearly a million people, representatives of Rohingya fled Burma. Often, they fled on boats, paying a greedy smugglers, so they transported them to Malaysia, Bangladesh, Thailand or the Middle East. In search of a better life, thousands of Rohingya people's representatives decide to flee the country after moving to Thailand by sea and then overland to Malaysia, a country that was "promised land" for the oppressed people.
1. February 8, 2009. - Ranong, Thailand. - Male refugees Rohingya people show the scars left by the brutal beatings that they were subjected to the representatives of the Burmese Navy, when the boat on which they had fled the country, was stopped in the Andaman Sea off the coast of Myanmar. After two weeks of detention, Burmese navy boat sent them away, telling to go to Thailand and warned that they would be killed if they try to return to Myanmar. Thai authorities arrested the group of Rohingya refugees seventy-eight, when their boat washed ashore on the southern coast of Thailand.
2. November 17, 2008. - Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh. - Rohingya people living in Myanmar, is Sunni Muslim, and the woman should cover the face in public places. Ethnic minority in a Buddhist country, the Rohingya are constantly humiliated and discriminated against by the Burmese military government, including restrictions on the trips and human rights violations.
3. November 17, 2008 .- Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh. - Not far from the refugee camps Kutupalong, about 40,000 undocumented Rohingya people's representatives, who were forced to leave the village where they lived for many years, created a non-crowded camp. Most of the refugees are children, women and elderly people, as men have no right to receive humanitarian assistance from the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees.
4. October 25, 2009. - Yangon, Myanmar. - Not wishing to see their faces, family members, the Rohingya in Yangon show identity cards, issued by the Government of Burma, which identify them as Bengali minority. They have ID cards, when he moved to Yangon for more than twenty years ago. If the authorities find out that they are representatives of the people of Rohingya, their lives may be at risk.
5. November 18, 2008 .- Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh. - Abul Aushim suffered from tuberculosis for six months without receiving any treatment. Since it is officially not registered by the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees, a refugee, he has no right to humanitarian care, and moreover, can not get access to health care in general in Bangladesh. His family left the refugee camp, where they live, that urgently seek medical help for him. Tens of thousands of Rohingya were full of uncertainty and in fact deprived of their citizenship - they rejected the military government in Burma, and they are denied refugee status in neighboring countries, where they moved.
6. November 18, 2008. - Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh. - Bud Ali pleads Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees to provide medical care to his twenty-six son, who died of cancer. She asked the officials of the UN dealing with refugees, send it to the United States for hospitalization. Like most people, refugees Rohingya, she has little understanding of the process of resettlement and is not aware of her inability to fulfill the request. She tries to make the representatives of the UN response to the question why the refugees can not get access to better medical care.
7. November 18, 2008 .- Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh. Ali-Arab, twenty-six Rohingya suffering from cancer for the last stage. In a desperate bid to provide him with medical care, his mother took him to the office of the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees, a refugee camp in Bangladesh Kutupalong, begging to be sent to the United States for hospitalization. The camp doctor explained that it was impossible.His mother, a vague idea of ​​the complexity of the resettlement of refugees, crying and saying that she does not understand why her son can not be helped.
8. December 12, 2009 - Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh. - Refugees Rohingya pray for my friend, who died last week at a camp for thousands of bezhentsev.Zhiteli informal refugee camps have no sanitation and access to health facilities because they are not under the supervision of the UN Office for Refugees. Lack of clean drinking water in camps and under-nutrition leading to frequent epidemics.
9. October 4, 2010. - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. - Rohingya Refugees found in a truck at the border of Kuala Lumpur. Involved in the illegal transportation of people syndicates receive large sums of money from members of the Rohingya, who are desperately seeking to flee from Burma to seek a better life.
10. May 13, 2010 goda.-Teknaf, Chittagong, Bangladesh. - Village Shabodip, which is located outside the town of Teknaf, a major port, where refugees are going to Rohingya in order to secretly transferred to their leaky boats across the Indian Ocean to Malaysia. Involved in the transport entrepreneurs to seek higher returns, and almost never used for this boat in good condition, instead of issuing the "route" the old fishing boats. Rohingya refugees of the people sent on a dangerous journey across the open sea without enough fuel and water. More than half the boats that went to Thailand or Malaysia, never arrive at their destination.
11. May 15, 2010. - Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh. - An elderly Rohingya living in a makeshift refugee camp in Bangladesh. He fled with thousands of other people from the villages located near the Chittagong Hill Tracts in the western part of Bangladesh after the authorities tried to forcibly Bengal to transport them back across the border in Myanmar. Crowded official refugee camps under the control of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees has led to thousands of Rohingya settle in makeshift camps with no sanitation and access to drinking water.
12. August 4, 2010. - Sittwe, Arakan State, Myanmar. - A woman asks a few Rohini fishies in the fishermen to take them to his starving family.Alas, most of the people of Arakan, practicing Buddhism, refer to the Rohingya as low-caste and scum.
13. August 3, 2010. - Sittwe, Arakan State, Myanmar. - Child labor is widespread among the Rohingya community in north-western Burma Arakan State in. Their status of stateless persons means that the Rohingya can not do much of the work and are denied the right to education.Children who work as low-paid labor force, are often the only source of income for families living in extreme poverty.
14. November 25, 2008. -Teknaf, Chittagong, Bangladesh. - Rohingya refugees are working in a brick factory near Teknaf in the south-west Bangladesh. Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh are considered as a lower social class and face the same discrimination as that which caused them to flee their homes in Burma. Their status of stateless persons can use them as cheap labor.
15. December 20, 2009. - Chittagong, Bangladesh. - Rohingya refugees often live in poverty on the streets. Usually they hide their ethnic identity to avoid arrest and threats from local police. Lack of jobs in Bangladesh, forcing thousands of strong and healthy men Rohingya go begging.
16. October 27, 2009 - Yangon, Myanmar. - A woman begs for the Rohingya Muslims near the mosque. She comes here every Friday after the hold Muslim prayers in the hope that it will submit enough money to buy food for the baby. Rohingya Muslims are treated as an alien element in Buddhist Myanmar, also known as Burma.
17. August 3, 2009. - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. - Hafar Ahmed looks out of the cache, which is used as a shelter during a police raid. Malaysian police regularly raided in search of refugees Rohingya, trying to detain them for illegally entering the country and sent to labor camps before being deported to Thailand, putting refugees at risk of becoming victims of syndicates involved in trafficking.
18. August 2, 2009. - Klang, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. - Mohammed Siddiq and his family live in an abandoned hut in the jungle outside of Penang. Rumors of a manhunt in Klang, where they live, often forcing them to hide in a specially designed hiding places to avoid arrest.Thousands of Rohingya in Malaysia and again confronted with violence, police raids, detentions and deportations.
19. August 20, 2009. - Mae Sod, Since, Thailand. - His dream of a home girl from the Rohingya people, embodied at the base of his own feet.
20. August 21, 2009-Mae Sod, Tak, Thailand. - Three-Noor Muhammad's sad to tieh since his mother left in the border town of Thailand for over a year ago. His mother, attracted by the promise of good paying jobs in Bangkok, was sold by traffickers as sex workers. Muhammad was under the tutelage of volunteers, who fear that he may never see his young mother. Countless women Rohingya sold as sex workers every year to brothel owners.
21. August 23, 2009. - Bangkok, Thailand. - Refugees Rohingya are in prison for immigration center in Bangkok, Thailand, commit illegal in this country a prayer on the last day of Ramadan. The refugees were arrested for illegal entry, when their boat landed on the coast in southern Thailand. Many of them spent in prison for more than two years, in anticipation that the Thai authorities will be able to decide their fate. The Myanmar Government refuses to take them back, but infinitely and stay in Thailand, they can not. Rohingya panicky fear of forced return to Myanmar because they are a result of his attempt to escape to face even more severe sanctions by the Burmese authorities.
22. September 4, 2009. - Bangkok, Thailand. - Sultan, a resident of Bangkok slum, home to a large community of illegal Rohingya refugees and migrants. He denied rumors that he was working for traffickers in Bangkok, but most of all, he is among the Rohingya, who earn their living by smuggling business of his countrymen in Thailand and Malaysia. "I helped my family to come here because they have suffered in Arakan," he said.
23. November 16, 2009. - Penang, Malaysia. - Nurul Salam, Ahmed Ali and Yasmin came to Malaysia in search of work, they could not find in their villages in Myanmar. Due to the fact that they are illegal immigrants who have no identity, they are forced to live in hiding in the jungle near the city of Penang, where he worked on construction sites.
24. November 14, 2009. - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. - Human rights activist Ahmed fanatically loyal Zafah their work in protecting thousands of his fellow Rohingya people who are in Malaysia annually. His marriage to the Malay woman is illegal and not recognized by authorities in Malaysia, while his political activities involving them permanent and extremely unwelcome attention.
25. October 26, 2009. - Yangon, Myanmar. - Muhammad Shafi Ullah escaped from his village in Arakan in Burma, along with thirty other members of the Rohingya people. After attempting to illegally cross the border with Thailand, he was arrested and sent back to Burma. Now he is hiding in the capital, Yangon, under a false name to avoid arrest by the authorities.
26. December 12, 2009. - East Aceh, Chittagong, Indonesia. - Refugees in the Rohingya hospital in the eastern province of Aceh, Indonesia, after a two-week sea journey without food and water. Local fishermen in Aceh, who found their boat, drifting at sea without fuel, fed them and brought to the hospital for emergency care. Some residents of Aceh have taken refugees into their homes, their compassion for poor condition.
27. August 3, 2009 - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. - A young girl comes down from the roof of the Rohingya, where she hid during a police raid. Even the Rohingya who have received certification from the UN Commission of Refugees, are not immune from arrest by the authorities of Malaysia, which are regularly rounded up for deportation to Thailand.
28. November 14, 2009. - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. - Mohammed Hussein Ali fled from his native city in Myanmar after the representatives of the Burmese military intelligence, accused him of illegal political activity. A former employee of the local offices of the World Food Programme, Hussein was afraid that would be arrested if he stayed in Myanmar.
29. February 17, 2010. - Bangkok, Thailand - a group of twenty-eight refugees Rohingya under guard at the Bangkok airport, where they will be sent back to Bangladesh through non-governmental organizations. They are one of those seventy-eight refugees whose boat arrived on the coast of southern Thailand in 2009, and were among the lucky ones who were not forcibly transferred back to the representatives of the Thai Navy.Another forty five members of the Rohingya people from this group for over two years in prison.
30. April 25, 2010 - Lampung, Indonesia. - Seventeen were arrested Rohingya refugees Indonesian police in Lampung, East Sumatra. The refugees received humanitarian assistance from the UN Office for Migration for one week after their arrest, but later they were transferred to an immigration jail in West Borneo.
31. April 22, 2010 .- Medan, Indonesia. - Nurul Islam and Shomsul Allam, were arrested for illegal entry and placed in an immigration jail. They have left Malaysia in order to move to Indonesia after repeatedly withheld from Malaysian Police, which regularly conducts raids in poor slums, where Rohingya refugees often settle.
32. October 7, 2010 .- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. - Mohammed Hussein arrived in Malaysia three years ago with the dream of finding a job that would allow him to send money home to support his family remaining in Myanmar. During a trip to Malaysia in the jungle, he contracted an infection, which, of course, no one treated. When he finally received medical treatment, his leg amputated. To date, he begs, trying to survive.

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