Friday 28 October 2011

Jews of Libya's return from Israel

Oman 1: returned to the city of Tripoli, Libya's first Jewish Libyan immigrants to Israel 44 years ago, where he was David Kirby had emigrated from Libya, a second-year-old after the war of the 67 launched by the Arabs against Israel, and visited David a Jewish synagogues in Tripoli affected by the devastation , and the re-restored and in coordination with the Transitional Council of Libya.

The estimated number of members of the Libyan Jewish community in Israel, about 180 thousand people immigrated to Israel in three stages: after the massacre of Tripoli in 1945, after the uproar caused to the State of Israel in 1948, and after the 1967 war.

In spite of their integration into Israeli society, many of the Jews of Libya were still talking in Italian, referring to Libya's colonial past, where subjected to Italian rule in the period between 1911 and 1943.

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