Saturday 6 August 2011

30-meter bather in Hamburg

City of Hamburg in Germany visited "Die Badende" ("Bather"), a giant sculpture created by artist Oliver Voss. Daman is situated at the Alster Lake, where she was photographed August 3, 2011. Height of the sculpture is about 3.96 meters, length - 30.18 meters. As suggested, the statue will be on display for ten days.


1. People in the boats float by, "Bathers".
2. Couple in a boat close to the statue, 3 August 2011.
3. Family in the boat sails between his knees, "Bathers", August 3, 2011.
5. The boat swims to the head of the giant statues.
6. On the surface, one can see only her head and bare knees.
7. Installing a gigantic statue, August 1, 2011.
8. The sculpture was installed at the initiative of the Hamburg advertising specialist Oliver Voss.
9. According to him, she must show that Hamburg is a city on the water in which they live imaginative, creative people.

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